Peak Finder

Photo: Lynx Mountain from the northwest (courtesy Robert Boyko)

Lynx Mountain

  • 3192 m (10,473ft)
  • First Ascent
  • Naming History
  • Hiking and Trails
53.1258N -119.049W
Located on the continental divide west of the Reef Icefield; southern buttress of Snowbird Pass

Province: Alberta/BC
Park: Jasper/Mount Robson
Headwater: Athabasca/Fraser
Ascent Date: 1913
Ascent Party: ACC Party
Ascent Guide: W. Schauffelberger
Year Named: 1908
Named by: L.Q. Coleman
Named for: A dead lynx was found on the ice below the mountain.
Popular Hike: Mount Robson

In 1908 Lucius Quincy Coleman visited the Mount Robson area as a member of his brother Arthur Coleman's party. One day he, "explored the main (Coleman) glacier for two or three miles up, making the curious find of the bones of a lynx among some morainic debris on the ice. Why had the animal chosen that out-of-the-way desert of ice as a burial-place? We named the nearest mountain to the west Lynx Mountian, in his honor." In 1911, from a ridge below the summit of this mountain, Arthur Wheeler enjoyed his first view of the Mount Robson area. He later wrote, "As we topped the crest the whole wonderful panorama came into view. At our feet flowed the Robson Glacier. Across the wide river of ice the great massif of Robson, rising supreme above all other peaks. White against a sky of perfect blue it seemed to belong to a world other than our own. Ethereal, snowy Mount ResplendentMount Whitehorn; it was the most stupendous alpine scene I had ever gazed upon, setting the blood coursing though the veins as fast as a torrent, with the pure joy of being alive -and there."

Photo: (l-r) Titkana Peak, Lynx Mountain, and Rearguard Mountain from the northwest (courtesy Dan Neil)