Peak Finder

Photo: Mount Greenock from the east on Highway #16

Mount Greenock

  • 2065 m (6,775ft)
  • Naming History
53.1050N -118.088W
Located in the Athabasca River Valley, east of Vine Creek and west of Snake Indian River Valley

Range: Pierre-Jean De Smet
Province: Alberta
Park: Jasper
Headwater: Athabasca
Major Valley: Athabasca
Visible from Highway: 16
Year Named: 1916
Named by: Morrison Bridgland
Named for: The mountain has a rounded peak. "Greenoch" means "sunny knoll" in Gaelic.

Mount Greenock is the small, rounded rise on the southern end of Roche Pierre-Jean De Smet. In Gaelic, "greenoch" means sunny knoll so perhaps Morrison Bridgland, who named it in 1916, climbed to this spot on a sunny afternoon.

Photo: Looking northwest to Mount Greenock from Cinqufoil Ridge (courtesy Sonny Bou)