Peak Finder

Photo: Looking northwest to Trapper Peak (right) from the Wapta Icefield (courtesy Marta Wojnarowska)

Trapper Peak

  • 2984 m (9,791ft)
  • First Ascent
  • Naming History
51.6775N -116.591W
Located on the continental divide between the Baker Glacier and the Wapta Icefield at the headwaters of Wildcat Creek

Province: Alberta/BC
Park: Banff
Headwater: Saskatchewan/Columbia
Ascent Date: 1933
Ascent Party: H.S. Kingman, J. Monroe Thorington
Ascent Guide: Conrad Kain
Year Named: 1892
Named for: Peyto, Bill (The mountain was named after Bill Peyto, a well known guide and trapper.)

The mountain is named after Bill Peyto. After arriving in Canada from England in 1886, Peyto worked for the CPR, homesteaded, and prospected before entering the outfitting business with Tom Wilson. When he was chosen to lead Whymper to Vemilion Pass he had acquired a solid reputation for his work with Walter Wilcox, Norman Collie, and others. Norman Collie wrote of Bill Peyto, "Bill is very quiet in civilization, but becomes more communicative around an evening campfire, when he delights to tell his adventures. His life has been a roving life. The story of his battle with the world, his escapades and sufferings of hunger and exposure not to mention the dreams and ambitions of a keen imagination with their consequent disappointments, has served to entertain many an evening hour. Peyto assumes a wild and picturesque though somewhat tattered attire. A sombrero, with a rakish tilt to one side, a blue shirt set off by a white kerchief (which may have served civilization for napkin), and a buckskin coat with a fringe border, add to his cowboy appearance. A heavy belt containing a row of cartridges, hunting-knife, and six-shooter as well as the restless activity of his wicked blue eyes, give him an air of bravado. He usually wears two pairs of trousers, one over the other, the outer pair about six months older. This was shown by their dilapidated and faded state, hanging, after a week of rough work in burnt timer, in a tattered fringe knee-high. Every once in a while Peyto would give one or two nervous yanks at the fringe and tear off the longer pieces, so that his outer trousers disappeared day by day from below upwards. Part of this was affection, to impress the tender foot, or the 'dude,' as he calls everyone who wears a collar. But in spite of this Peyto is one of the most conscientious and experience men with horses that I have ever known." Bill and Edward Whymper seemed to get along reasonably well during their initial trip together and although he found numerous faults with his Swiss guides, he felt that Peyto had, "properly executed his commission." Later in the summer however, after a severe tongue-lashing from Whymper for coming back to camp to early from trail clearing work in the Yoho Valley, Bill walked out on him with the excuse that he had to take two sick horses back to Field.