Peak Finder

Photo: Looking west-southwest to Mount Alcantara from Buller Pond on the Smith-Dorrien Road

Mount Alcantara

  • 2840 m (9,318ft)
  • First Ascent
  • Naming History
50.8008N -115.607W
Located between Alcantara Creek and Aurora Creek

Province: BC
Headwater: Kootenay
Visible from Highway: 742
Ascent Date: 1929
Ascent Party: Katie Gardiner
Ascent Guide: Walter Feuz
Year Named: 1916
Named for: HMS Alcantara was a liner that was referred to as an Armed Merchant Cruiser of 15,831 tons which was torpedoed and sunk in action with the German raider "Greif" during February of 1916.

Photo: Looking west-southwest to Mount Brussilof (left) and Mount Alcantara from Buller Pond on the Smith-Dorrien Road