Surprise Point
- 2400 m (7,874ft)
- Naming History
- Hiking and Trails
52.6736N -118.261W
Located in the Upper Astoria River Valley between Penstock Creek and Amethyst Lakes
Province: Alberta
Park: Jasper
Headwater: Athabasca
Located in the Upper Astoria River Valley between Penstock Creek and Amethyst Lakes
Province: Alberta
Park: Jasper
Headwater: Athabasca
Year Named: 1916
Named by: Morrison Bridgland
Named for: It apparantly took a climbing party longer to reach the summit than they expected.
Named by: Morrison Bridgland
Named for: It apparantly took a climbing party longer to reach the summit than they expected.
Popular Hike: Tonquin Valley
In his book, "The Glittering Mountains of Canada," J. Monroe Thorington writes, "Surprise Point is an amusing little pinnacle that rises above the camping place to a heght of 7873 feet. It looks so easy, but is really quite a scramble if one tries it in moccasins and with each hand encumbered by a camera." He goes on to describe their day on the mountain and the view from the summit.