Photo: Looking south to Mons Peak from Division Mountain (courtesy Brad Harrison)
Mons Peak
- 3083 m (10,115ft)
- First Ascent
- Naming History
51.8603N -117.035W
Located on the continental divide above the Mons Icefield at the head of Icefall Brook; 3 km northwest of St. Julien Mountain
Province: Alberta/BC
Park: Banff
Headwater: Saskatchewan/Columbia
Visible from Highway: 11, 93N
Located on the continental divide above the Mons Icefield at the head of Icefall Brook; 3 km northwest of St. Julien Mountain
Province: Alberta/BC
Park: Banff
Headwater: Saskatchewan/Columbia
Visible from Highway: 11, 93N
Ascent Date: 1902
Ascent Party: James Outram
Ascent Guide: Christian Kaufmann
Ascent Party: James Outram
Ascent Guide: Christian Kaufmann
Year Named: 1920
Named for: Mons is a town in Belgium which was the site of the first battle in which the British Expeditionalry Force took part (1914) WW I. The town was recaptured by Canadian troops immediately before the armistice on November 11, 1918.
Named for: Mons is a town in Belgium which was the site of the first battle in which the British Expeditionalry Force took part (1914) WW I. The town was recaptured by Canadian troops immediately before the armistice on November 11, 1918.