Peak Finder

Photo: Looking southeast to Little Hector from the Icefields Parkway

Little Hector

  • 3124 m (10,250ft)
51.5900N -116.276W
Located in the Bow River Valley 2 km northwest of Mount Hector; north buttress of Hector Pass

Province: Alberta
Park: Banff
Headwater: Bow
Major Valley: Bow
Visible from Highway: 93N

The peak is a high point north-northwest of the main summit of Mount Hector.

Looking south-southeast to Mount Hector and Little Hector (at right) from Mount Andromache (courtesy Sonny Bou)

Photo: Looking southeast to Little Hector from the the Icefields Parkway

Looking south-southwest to Mount Hector (left) and Little Hector from Molar Mountain (courtesy Arnold Westberg)

Looking southeast to Little Hector (Mount Hector beyond at left) courtesy Mark Nugara)