Peak Finder

Photo: Looking northwest to Kemmel Mountain (courtesy Larry Donecki

Kemmel Mountain

  • 3120 m (10,237ft)
  • First Ascent
  • Naming History
51.8889N -117.179W
Located in the Lyell Creek Valley;

Province: BC
Headwater: Columbia
Ascent Date: 1954
Ascent Party: S.B. Hendricks, D. Hubbard, Dr. and Mrs. E.K. Karcher, J. Showacre, A.E. Peterson
Year Named: 1918
Named by: Interprovincial Boundary Survey
Named for: Kemmel is a small village eight kilometres south of Ypres where the Canadian Army saw action durng WW I.

Photo: Looking southwest to Kemmel Mountain (courtesy Larry Donecki