Peak Finder

Photo: Isolated Peak from Whaleback Mountain

Isolated Peak

  • 2845 m (9,334ft)
  • First Ascent
  • Naming History
  • Hiking and Trails
51.5436N -116.576W
Located between the Little Yoho Valley and Twin Falls Creek (Waterfall Valley)

Province: BC
Park: Yoho
Headwater: Columbia
Visible from Highway: 1
Ascent Date: 1901
Ascent Party: James Outram, Edward Whymper
Ascent Guide: C. Kaufmann, C. Klucker, J. Pollinger, J. Bossoney
Year Named: 1916
Named by: Edward Whymper
Named for: Isolated Peak lies somewhat to the east of Mount McArthur and a series of un-named points along a high ridge to the west of Glacier Des Poilus that leads to Mount Des Poilus. It is isolated from these other features by the glacier.
Popular Hike: Emerald Lake/Yoho Valley
Journal Reference: App 10-85

Photo: Looking northwest to Isolated Peak from the Little Yoho Valley

Isolated Peak (courtesy Bob St. John)

Looking beyond Twin Falls to Isolated Peak (courtesy Rob and Kathy Taerum)

Looking to McArthur Glacier and Isolated Peak from the Spiral Tunnel Viewpoint