Interpass Ridge
- 2362 m (7,750ft)
- Naming History
53.6092N -119.933W
Located on the continental divide north of Renshaw Creek; south buttress of Avalanche Pass; north buttress of Beaverdam Pass
Province: Alberta/BC
Park: Willmore
Headwater: Smoky/Fraser
Located on the continental divide north of Renshaw Creek; south buttress of Avalanche Pass; north buttress of Beaverdam Pass
Province: Alberta/BC
Park: Willmore
Headwater: Smoky/Fraser
Year Named: 1924
Named by: Interprovincial Boundary Survey
Named for: This ridge connects Avalanche Pass and Beaverdam Pass.
Named by: Interprovincial Boundary Survey
Named for: This ridge connects Avalanche Pass and Beaverdam Pass.