Photo: Looking southwest across the Amsikwi Valley to Mount Horsey from Kiwetinok Pass
Mount Horsey
- 2980 m (9,777ft)
- First Ascent
- Naming History
51.4583N -116.717W
Located in the Amiskwi River Valley at the head of Split Creek and the head of Fire Creek
Province: BC
Headwater: Columbia
Located in the Amiskwi River Valley at the head of Split Creek and the head of Fire Creek
Province: BC
Headwater: Columbia
Ascent Date: 1957
Ascent Party: P.J.B. Duffy, W.R. Henson
Ascent Party: P.J.B. Duffy, W.R. Henson
Year Named: 1961
Named for: Horsey, George Frederick (Mr. Horsey was Superintendent of Glacier National Park during the Second World War.)
Named for: Horsey, George Frederick (Mr. Horsey was Superintendent of Glacier National Park during the Second World War.)