Photo: Looking southeast to Mount Hardisty the Icefields Parkway
Mount Hardisty
- 2700 m (8,859ft)
- Naming History
52.7047N -117.824W
Located in the Athabasca River Valley south of Hardisty Creek
Range: Maligne
Province: Alberta
Park: Jasper
Headwater: Athabasca
Major Valley: Athabasca
Visible from Highway: 93N
Located in the Athabasca River Valley south of Hardisty Creek
Range: Maligne
Province: Alberta
Park: Jasper
Headwater: Athabasca
Major Valley: Athabasca
Visible from Highway: 93N
Year Named: 1859
Named by: James Hector
Named for: Hardisty, Richard (Chief Factor in charge of the Edmonton District of the Hudson's Bay Company for many years, Richard Hardisty became a Canadian senator.)
Named by: James Hector
Named for: Hardisty, Richard (Chief Factor in charge of the Edmonton District of the Hudson's Bay Company for many years, Richard Hardisty became a Canadian senator.)
In 1865 the well-known missionary Father Lacombe was wounded in a crossfire between Cree and Blackfoot warriors. He later wrote, "Richard Hardisty treated me like a brother that day. I felt so sick and tired and hungry when I got to Rocky Mountain House that I was ready to lie down on the snow and die. But he took our miserable party in before his big fire, and warmed, fed, and clothed us, and I've always felt since that day that he saved my life." Richard Hardisty was the chief trader at Rocky Mountain House at the time. (Fred Stinson)