Photo: Eiffel Tower from Eiffel Peak
Eiffel Tower
- 3080 m (10,105ft)
- First Ascent
- Hiking and Trails
51.3336N -116.235W
Located to the north of Eiffel Peak, separated by a 122 metre notch.
Province: Alberta
Park: Banff
Headwater: Bow
Visible from Highway: 1
Located to the north of Eiffel Peak, separated by a 122 metre notch.
Province: Alberta
Park: Banff
Headwater: Bow
Visible from Highway: 1
Ascent Date: 1952
Ascent Party: J.E. Murphy; T.A. Mutch
Ascent Party: J.E. Murphy; T.A. Mutch
Popular Hike: Lakes Louise/Moraine/O'Hara
Journal Reference: AAJ 8-563
Journal Reference: AAJ 8-563
Eiffel Peak lies between the Moraine Lake valley and Paradise Valley. The slopes are gentle on the Moraine Lake side but the cliffs are steep and spectacular on the Paradise Valley side. A 120 metre notch separates the main summit from Eiffel Tower. Eiffel Peak can be ascended with little difficulty but Eiffel Tower is a challenge. It was not climbed until 1952 when J.A. Murphy and T.A. Mutch required nine hours to reach the top from the notch. A good, although somewhat disconcerting, viewpoint for both the peak and the tower is the Samson Mall in Lake Louse Village. Eiffel Peak, with Eiffel Tower to its right, appears beyond the steep cliffs of Mount Temple.