Photo: Looking southwest to Mount Christie from the Icefields Parkway
Mount Christie
- 3103 m (10,181ft)
- First Ascent
- Naming History
52.5300N -117.809W
Located in the Athabasca River Valley between Fryatt Creek and Lick Creek
Province: Alberta
Park: Jasper
Headwater: Athabasca
Major Valley: Athabasca
Visible from Highway: 93N
Located in the Athabasca River Valley between Fryatt Creek and Lick Creek
Province: Alberta
Park: Jasper
Headwater: Athabasca
Major Valley: Athabasca
Visible from Highway: 93N
Ascent Date: 1930
Ascent Party: W.R. Hainsworth, J.F. Lehmann, M.M. Strumia, N.D. Waffl
Ascent Party: W.R. Hainsworth, J.F. Lehmann, M.M. Strumia, N.D. Waffl
Year Named: 1859
Named by: James Hector
Named for: Christie, William Joseph (William Christie was the chief factor at the Hudson Bay Company's Fort Edmonton when Hector was there during the winter of 1858-1859.)
Named by: James Hector
Named for: Christie, William Joseph (William Christie was the chief factor at the Hudson Bay Company's Fort Edmonton when Hector was there during the winter of 1858-1859.)
One of the best points for viewing this outstanding mountain is from the Icefields Parkway, a few kilometres north of Ranger Creek. This is the point at which the highway is closest to the mountain. Its massive upper section stands symmetrically on a broad base of horizontal strata. Wide bands of snow linger below the upper cliffs throughout the summer.