Photo: Looking east to Roche Bonhomme from Highway #16
Roche Bonhomme
- 2495 m (8,186ft)
- Naming History
52.9450N -117.944W
Located in the Athabasca River and Maligne River Valleys at the head of Two Valley Creek
Range: Colin
Province: Alberta
Park: Jasper
Headwater: Athabasca
Major Valley: Athabasca
Visible from Highway: 16
Located in the Athabasca River and Maligne River Valleys at the head of Two Valley Creek
Range: Colin
Province: Alberta
Park: Jasper
Headwater: Athabasca
Major Valley: Athabasca
Visible from Highway: 16
Year Named: 1878
Named by: George Munro Grant
Named for: The mountain has a shape which resembles a face. "Bonhomme" translates to "Good Fellow."
Named by: George Munro Grant
Named for: The mountain has a shape which resembles a face. "Bonhomme" translates to "Good Fellow."
The dark coloured face of Bonhomme that gazes into the sky east of Jasper Townsite is composed of Triassic siltstone of the Sulphur Mountain Formation that lies above lighter coloured Permian and Carboniferous strata.