Wales Peak
- 3109 m (10,201ft)
- First Ascent
- Naming History
52.1847N -117.656W
Located on the continental divide at the head of the creek flowing northeast into the upper Athabasca River Valley; 1.8 km southeast of Chaba Peak
Province: Alberta/BC
Park: Jasper
Headwater: Athabasca/Columbia
Major Valley: Athabasca
Located on the continental divide at the head of the creek flowing northeast into the upper Athabasca River Valley; 1.8 km southeast of Chaba Peak
Province: Alberta/BC
Park: Jasper
Headwater: Athabasca/Columbia
Major Valley: Athabasca
Ascent Date: 1927
Ascent Party: J. De Laittre, W.R. MacLaurin
Ascent Guide: J. Weber
Ascent Party: J. De Laittre, W.R. MacLaurin
Ascent Guide: J. Weber
Year Named: 1927
Named by: Alfred Ostheimer
Named for: Wales, William (An English mathematician and astronomer, William Wales visited Hudson's Bay in 1769 and sailed with Captain Cook.)
Named by: Alfred Ostheimer
Named for: Wales, William (An English mathematician and astronomer, William Wales visited Hudson's Bay in 1769 and sailed with Captain Cook.)
William Wales (c.1734-1798) was an English astronomer. He was sent by the British government to Hudson Bay to observe the transit of Venus in 1769, and afterward accompanied Captain James Cook on his second voyage, serving as his co-navigator.