Photo: Pinto Lake from Sunset Pass (courtesy Steve Vachon)
Sunset Pass
- 2060 m (6759ft)
- Naming History
- Peaks and Rivers
52.1138N 116.8708W
Province: Alberta
Park: Banff
Province: Alberta
Park: Banff
Year Named:
Named by:
Named by:
Mountain (NW): Mount Coleman
Mountain (SE):
Headwaters (NE): Cline River
Headwaters (SW): Norman Creek
Mountain (SE):
Headwaters (NE): Cline River
Headwaters (SW): Norman Creek
Possibly the first non-native visitors to this wonderful high area was Arthur Coleman's party of 1893. After reaching the lake at the head of the Cine River, "Pinto Lake, as we named it"..."we spent half of a showery Sunday visiting it and climbing up the easiest part of the wall, where a poorly-marked trail leads southward up to a tableland (Sunset Pass) 1500 feet (?) above it, and then descends as steeply to the Saskatchewan."