Allenby Pass
- 2454 m (8050ft)
- Naming History
- Peaks and Rivers
51.9652N 115.6000W
Province: Alberta
Park: Banff
Province: Alberta
Park: Banff
Year Named:
Named by:
Named for: The pass takes its name from Mount Allenby. Field Marshall Viscount Edmund Allenby commanded the British army in Palestine during WW I. "Lawrence of Arabia" fans may recall him as the head of the British army as portrayed in that film.
Named by:
Named for: The pass takes its name from Mount Allenby. Field Marshall Viscount Edmund Allenby commanded the British army in Palestine during WW I. "Lawrence of Arabia" fans may recall him as the head of the British army as portrayed in that film.
Mountain (NW): Og Mountain
Mountain (SE):
Headwaters (NE): Brewster Creek
Headwaters (SW): Allenby Creek
Mountain (SE):
Headwaters (NE): Brewster Creek
Headwaters (SW): Allenby Creek
This pass, together with Assiniboine Pass, was used by Erling Strom in 1928 when he led his first guests from Banff to Magog Lake and Mount AssiniboineOg Pass.