Photo: Looking west to Leman Lake and Spray Pass from near Burstall Pass (courtesy David Wasserman)
Spray Pass
- 1935 m (6350ft)
- Naming History
- Peaks and Rivers
50.7486N 115.4291W
Province: Alberta/BC
Park: Banff
Province: Alberta/BC
Park: Banff
Year Named:
Named by:
Named for: The pass takes its name from the Spray River.
Named by:
Named for: The pass takes its name from the Spray River.
Mountain (NW): Mount Leval
Mountain (SE): Mount Leman
Headwaters (NE): Spray River
Headwaters (SW): Albert River
Mountain (SE): Mount Leman
Headwaters (NE): Spray River
Headwaters (SW): Albert River
Leman Lake lies just to the east of the pass. Although the creek draining Leman Lake flows into the Spray River, the headwaters of the river lie some six kilometres to the south at Palliser Pass.