Photo: Approaching Nigel Pass from the south (courtesy Steve Howes)
Nigel Pass
- 2149 m (7050ft)
- Naming History
- Peaks and Rivers
52.2458N 117.1069W
Province: Alberta
Park: Banff/Jasper
Province: Alberta
Park: Banff/Jasper
Year Named:
Named by:
Named for: The pass takes its name from nearby Nigel Peak. Nigel Vavasour was a packer who accompanied Norman Collie and party on the first major climbing expedition into the Upper Saskatchewan.
Named by:
Named for: The pass takes its name from nearby Nigel Peak. Nigel Vavasour was a packer who accompanied Norman Collie and party on the first major climbing expedition into the Upper Saskatchewan.
Mountain (NW):
Mountain (SE):
Headwaters (NE): Brazeau River
Headwaters (SW): Nigel Creek
Mountain (SE):
Headwaters (NE): Brazeau River
Headwaters (SW): Nigel Creek